full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Cristina Domenech: Poetry that frees the soul

Unscramble the Blue Letters

And we started to read, and we'd read one auohtr, then another author, and by reading such short poems, they all began to realize that what the poetic language did was to baerk a certain logic, and create another system. Breaking the logic of lganuage also breaks the logic of the system under which they've learned to respond. So a new system aeeaprpd, new rules that made them understand very quickly, - very quickly - that with poetic language they would be able to say absolutely whatever they wanted.

Open Cloze

And we started to read, and we'd read one ______, then another author, and by reading such short poems, they all began to realize that what the poetic language did was to _____ a certain logic, and create another system. Breaking the logic of ________ also breaks the logic of the system under which they've learned to respond. So a new system ________, new rules that made them understand very quickly, - very quickly - that with poetic language they would be able to say absolutely whatever they wanted.


  1. language
  2. author
  3. break
  4. appeared

Original Text

And we started to read, and we'd read one author, then another author, and by reading such short poems, they all began to realize that what the poetic language did was to break a certain logic, and create another system. Breaking the logic of language also breaks the logic of the system under which they've learned to respond. So a new system appeared, new rules that made them understand very quickly, - very quickly - that with poetic language they would be able to say absolutely whatever they wanted.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
writing workshop 2
poetic language 2
seventh circle 2

Important Words

  1. absolutely
  2. appeared
  3. author
  4. began
  5. break
  6. breaking
  7. breaks
  8. create
  9. language
  10. learned
  11. logic
  12. poems
  13. poetic
  14. quickly
  15. read
  16. reading
  17. realize
  18. respond
  19. rules
  20. short
  21. started
  22. system
  23. understand
  24. wanted